Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October so far

My dad was shopping online again....
so, Lily got a new cheerleading uniform! (and that is lipstick in her hand... been in mommy's purse again) She wore it to the babysitter's house on Saturday while Ross & I went to the game. I've got a couple of pictures from the game but haven't downloaded them yet. It was a crazy day, another blog post altogether.
So Sunday, Lily helped me process my new inventory, this is her new face that she does every time I get the camera out.
And then this is the face that she does when she doesn't get what she wants.
Earlier in the week we went to a birthday party. I'm pretty sure that this was Lily's first kid party. She was so sweet. I was so proud of her. She is really shy and of course didn't talk to anyone but she had a great time. She bounced and bounced in the bounce houses and sat with the other kids to eat pizza. She loved climbing to the top of the slide but I kept having to get my friends to push her down because she refused to come down on her own.

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