Thursday, January 15, 2009

Odd jobs, New baby

We've been so broke lately after getting laid off I tried my best to get my websales up in order to make up the difference, but it hasn't worked out. I was hoping that selling aprons would help too, but that didn't make a dent. Unfortunately, during a recession is not the time when people go out buying premium handmade aprons.
So, lately I've been doing all sorts of odd jobs to fill the gaps and am trying to find a part time job that will fit into our schedule. Yesterday I was a maid. It was actually pretty fun. My friend has a condo that he rents to vacationers and I volunteered to clean it in between visitors. Lily was bored most of the time but it was cool that I didn't have to pay a babysitter and thank goodness for cartoons.
This little jack russell in this picture (no, it is not Zelda) is going to need a good home soon. If you know anyone looking for a doggy, let me know. He has some issues and would need someone who is willing to put in the time and effort for some training. Other than that, he is a great little guy.

New baby, coming along fine. I went to the doc on Monday and was 11 weeks. Baby has a strong heartbeat but that is about all they can tell me at this point. I've already gained 10 pounds!! I have a level 2 ultrasound today so I'll let ya know how that goes.

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