Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sleeplessness and Mornings

This pregnancy has been so different from the last. I have been sick and tired so much and even when I think it is over, or ending, I get sick again. Yesterday was great at the beginning, I had energy and got stuff done for the first half of the day but by 3pm I was pooped. I do remember that quick exhaustion from last time, but don't remember it being this early. Then, of course, there is the insomnia.
I had trouble sleeping last time too but it was toward the end when I was just uncomfortable with my body being huge. This time, there is no explanation. I can go to bed early and I'm up from 4-6AM, I can go to bed late, and I'm up from 4-6AM. Doesn't seem to matter.

Lily is still being awesome though. She crawls into bed with us in the mornings and it so sweet. She is funny too because she demands that I get up and get her breakfast. This morning I was told "Mommy, get up and get me some brown milk" (aka chocolate milk)

oh, and by the way, getting that "brown milk" is more of a mission that you might think. I have to get up and get dressed and walk to the store to buy a small container of milk because our fridge is STILL BROKEN! After 3 visits so far from the repairman and a full 7 days, no working fridge. The silver lining today being that last night the temp droped to in the 30s so I didn't have to throw out last night's leftovers and was able to keep them on the back porch.
(next to my clothes that are drying out there from the broken dryer)

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