Sunday, February 01, 2009

Update on the broken stuff around my house

It is pretty sad that there are enough broken things around here to have written that post, but to top it all off, our REFRIGERATOR broke this week! It wasn't even on the "about to break" list!
Wednesday night I poured myself some milk and thought it just wasn't cold enough. Thinking it was a pregnancy thing, I got a second opinion from Ross. He confirmed, it wasn't cold.
The next morning, the fridge was almost room temperature and everything in it was starting to stink.
Money is EXTREMELY tight right now so having to repair the fridge was painful.
The repair guy came out quickly and quickly replaced some stuff and after spending my whole day throwing out food and cleaning the fridge and writing a check for $287.00, I was at least happy that the fridge was up and running again.
The next morning, my juice is warm.
I call the repair guy and he said he will be back between 1 and 3.
By 1, the fridge was working again so I cancelled the appointment.
I shouldn't have done that because at some point Friday night it quit on me again. Now I have a room temperature fridge again but at least this time I don't have any rotting food in it.
When you are on a super strict budget like we are, eating out isn't an option so I'm practicing my hurricane survival skills by putting together meals of strictly canned foods.
It is annoying.
But this little girl keeps smiles on our faces:

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Awwww, she is so cute!!!!