Saturday, September 05, 2009

6 weeks

(Sorry, it is the only picture I've got on this computer. It is of the new shirt that Aunt Marie sent to Eric. I don't think he likes MTSU)

The only reason I have time to post right now is because I traded my exercise time for computer time. Ross and I have decided to trade off. He went running then I was supposed to go running but just needed to catch up on computer stuff instead.


Eric is 6 weeks now and we took him to the doctor because he was crying non-stop and only sleeping in 20 minute intervals. He has reflux and they have put him on meds that take a week to kick in, so, we are going insane around here.

We've done ok so far because Marje was still here but she left two days ago and it feels like a week.

Lily is driving me up the wall too because she is so used to getting constant attention and has gotten very jealous of Eric.

Other than that, both kids are awesome and putting on weight. Lily gained 3 lbs since her birthday and now weighs 35lbs. Eric weighs 11lbs and me, I've lost quite a bit (yay!) I weigh 134 only four pounds off from my pre-pregnancy weight. I can get into most of my clothes but they just don't look good around the middle. Not bad for 6 weeks. Guess all this walking the floors carrying a baby non-stop and not sleeping is great for weightloss.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Awww, Eric is so cute. I think I would DIE with a baby who only slept in 20 min intervals. Hope you get some rest soon!!!