Friday, September 11, 2009


I remember at some point soon after having Lily, we decided that having a schedule and a routine was the way to go with a baby. We went from being night owls to early risers and got so used to our daily routine that I don't need to look at a clock to tell you when it is lunchtime and there was never a fight about bedtime.
I still believe in the routine but right now it is making me crazy. Mainly because Eric doesn't have a schedule yet. Lily is like clockwork but I can't predict anything with Eric. Many times Eric is wailing or won't let me put him down at the time that Lily needs something. In turn, she has a meltdown because she is so conditioned for a certain time. Two screaming kids needing attention. Ugh.
I really need work to balance things. I don't know how single moms do it or people with more than two babies! I've got Ross who is a huge help AND Brandi too and still struggle.
The sleeping situation has improved. Eric does sleep for longer intervals but I still haven't gotten more than a 3 hour stretch of sleep time.
I have gotten really savvy with my iphone though. I can get all sorts of things done while walking around with Eric on my shoulder trying to rock him back to sleep (including writing this blog)
I've somehow managed to make time to run on a semi-regular basis and have been trying real hard to get ready for the Race for the Cure. I've put a team together again. Oct 19 if you wanna join me. I'll get the link up as soon as I get to a real computer but I'm sure you could find it by searching the Miami affiliate for Team Betty.

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