Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Eric is 4 months old this week! So, in celebration of his 4 month birthday, we gave him Banana. This is his first food other than breastmilk. He is funny because he really doesn't get it. Lily started cereal at 3 months and took to it fine. Eric, his mouth doesn't seem to want to keep it inside. It is pretty funny. He loves it, but I'm not sure if he is loving the attention or the new taste. Because it is more for a novelty than anything else, I started to give him his banana at dinner. We have a sit down meal for dinner every night as part of our routine so I figured that Eric would enjoy being a part of it too..
This picture is Lily playing with Eric during "Tummy Time" which he HATES
Lily decided that she wanted to have lunch in front of the TV. I told her 'no' because I didn't want her to get food on our new rug. So, being the brainiac that she is, she set herself up with a table and chair not on the rug (but really close to the TV)
This is what ROCKS about working from home. Ross hates that I've taken over the pool table, but it is so nice for me to be able to spread out my stuff on the table to work and have my babies "work" with me.
Lily is playing with Eric.... sweeeeet!

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