Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Makin' Stuff, Doin' Stuff

Lily made a birdfeeder. She is very proud of it. No birds have ever eaten from it, but we keep watching anyway. Notice her green on green outfit? Being the independent spirit that she is, she picks out her own clothes and is very particular about what matches and what does not. I told her that this one didn't match and she said "yes it does! Green, green. See... I'm monochromatic!"
I'm so proud that Ross did some handy dandy work for me and replaced our bathroom sink. I know what you are thinking... "why on earth would anyone want to get rid of a pink sink?"
He did an awesome job but I forgot to take an AFTER pic... it really is complete, I promise.
These are Lily's monsters. She loves drawing monsters and will draw monster after monster all day long. She would go through a pack of paper if I would let her. These 8 were completed before 9AM. Notice how she writes her name on them? I'm so proud of her. 3 and a third and can write her name! (well... we have to work on the Y a little, but I still think it is awesome)
Eric is such a chunky butt that we had to move him from the infant bath to the next stage bathtub. He is really too young for this one because he doesn't really sit up on his own yet but he seems to still like it.
Lily using a stencil and markers. She is no longer allowed to use markers.
She wrote on the couch AND the carpet in her bedroom.
Today we were talking about Christmas and Santa and I asked her if she has been a good girl this year and she said "no. I wrote on the carpet and the couch with markers. We better get that cleaned up before Christmas"

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