Saturday, March 25, 2006

23 Weeks

I am 2 pounds away from weighing as much as Ross! I have gained almost 20 pounds. My doctor says that I can gain 35 and still be healthy, so I guess I will be out weighing him soon.
My belly is 40 inches around.
I finally broke down today and bought some maternity clothes. I feel so much better now that I can be comfortable in my clothes. Some of them are actually kinda cute. I should have done this weeks ago.


Kelli said...

Wow your boobs are huge!!!! You had big ones before anyway, remember I was like barely a B before I was pregnant and I went up to a E cup...I didnt even know they made E cups. It was insane.
Im sorry to hear that about your job, you know the same thing happened to me when I was pregnant - I was working at Macys and they hired me not knowing i was pregnant and then found out when my stomach was obviously growing bigger. I was a good salesperson there (worked better than people that were not pregnant!) and they ended up firing me a couple months later saying "we just don't think you are a fit here" and I knew it was because I was pregnant. I was going to quit anyway like the next month but it was just the principle.
I had gained 55 pounds at the end. Don't worry about your weight, you are fine. I am almost back to my weight now.
Did you see Deo's page?
Try to keep stress free and happy! Tell Ross we say hi!

Jazz said...

You are so cute! I'm like a whale! At first I was so excited because I got to look pregnant and wear cute maternity it is just annoying. Oh and I waddle when I walk...James calls me Penguin.