Monday, March 06, 2006

Starting to look pregnant

I am finally starting to look pregnant. I know it sounds weird, but although I am much bigger around the middle, I don't feel nearly as fat! Up until the last few weeks I have felt really fat because I didn't really look pregnant, I just looked bigger. Does that make any sense?
As you can see from the picture, my belly has finally caught up to my boobs!
Of course now that people can see that I am pregnant, I have been encountering a few new things. The biggie..... people rubbing my belly as if a Genie were going to come out or something. People, please don't do this to pregnant women! Spread the word, tell all your friends. Just because it is a baby in there and we all love to touch cute little babies, it is still my stomach for now and that is just plain weird.
Another strange phenomena is people's questions. I love this one..."So who's is it?" I have gotten that one twice this week! I am thinking... if you don't know me well enough to know Ross, or at least know that I am married, what makes you know me well enough to ask me who I have been sleeping with? Kinda strange huh?
Or.... the other strange compulsion is that people tell you about past miscarriages that they have had or their friends have had. Do people really think that a miscarriage is what a 5 month pregnant woman would want to know about? I mean really!!!!!

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Touching the belly doesn't bother me, but I am right there with ya on the annoying questions. I really hate "so were you trying?" Who cares?? Why do you need to know?? If I say no you think I'm a moron who can't use birth control, and if I say yes it opens the door for many more personal questions, like 'were you trying for long?' etc. Jeez!!!