Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm having a celebrity birth

We just got back from the doctor's office and it is now official. We are having a C-section. They scheduled it for a week from tomorrow. Thursday, July 13th. I am overwhelmed with emotions right now. I am happy that I don't have to go through labor, but I kinda feel like I am cheating. I am nervous about the surgery because I have never had a surgery before. I am frightened that I have to be awake through it too because I am very squeamish about blood and medical stuff. Ross is worried about the money, but I have been broke and in debt for so long that I am used to not having anything in the bank. I am also feeling a rush of nerves because now I no longer have almost 3 weeks to prepare, I have a week! There is so many little loose ends to tie up.
One of the nights that I have to stay in the hospital, Ross is actually going to have to work! His boss took off the whole month of July, which wouldn't be too much of a problem except that his girlfriend who is with him, is also a bartender! AND the other girl that Ross usually works with planned her vacation for the weekend of the 14th so she would make sure to be there to cover for Ross the weekend of the 22nd, but now that the baby is coming a week early, there is no one left to work for Ross. Luckily there is only a conflict on the one night while I am still in the hospital because I think I will really need him more after we come home.
The other conflict is that the 13th is the same day that Marge is getting here from Zimbabwe. She would have been flying for something like 36 hours and arrive to us already having the baby. We are scheduled for surgery at 12:30 and her flight gets in at 4:00. I hope she doesn't mind Brandi picking her up from the airport because I am not letting Ross leave my side!
I don't know if I am really ready to take care of a baby yet! I know I should have been thinking about all this way before now, but I feel like everything just kinda hit me!

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