Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nesting, Belly Lines, Veins and heartburn

I think Ross is nesting more than I am. I feel like I am set up and ready, as far as the house goes. I have a to-do-before-Thursday list, but it mostly entails things like exchanging duplicate gifts and finishing thank you notes and getting my website orders up to date in order to leave it for a few days. I am not feeling the overwhelming urdge to decorate or clean as I keep reading about. I think Ross is though. He is a VERY neat person anyway, but this past week he has over cleaned and tackled little home projects that we both have been setting asside for months. But of course, his mum is arriving the same day as Lily, so maybe he is also trying to prepare to show off his house to his mum? Either way, he doesn't say much about being excited, but it is easy to see that he is feeling some rush from all of this.

I am dying to know what my belly will look like after the surgery. I keep reading that it still takes awhile to shrink back down and to expect to look about 5 months pregnant when leaving the hospital, but I have gotten so used to this giant entity that hangs out in front of me, that I forgot what that was like. Couple of weird things too. There is this thing called the Linea Niegra (I may be spelling that wrong) that is a dark pigmented line that goes from the belly button to about where your pubic hair starts (not a hairy line, it is your actual skin). Aparently, everyone has this, but it only shows up on pregnant ladies and is supposed to go away after birth. I never got this, but if you look at my belly shot, I DO have one, it is just from my belly button UP! I completely have a backward child! Maybe it is because her father is from the other hemisphere! :)
Another gross thing about my belly. You can see all my viens on the sides. Sure hope that goes away.
Lots of people at this stage of pregnancy experience the baby "dropping" and it is supposed to change the discomforts a little. It is supposed to put more pressure on the bladder, but at the same time releiving the out of breath feeling and the heartburn a little. Well, because Lily is sideways, she can't drop. So, unfortunately, no relief of the heartburn. I would gladly trade off a few more bathroom visists to get rid of some of the flames inside my esophogus!

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Woah - your belly button has completely popped out - mine never is just stretched tight! I also don't have linea nigra but I'm starting to get stretch marks on my belly :(
Good luck on Thursday!!!