Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Baby Shower

WOW did I get a bunch of stuff this weekend at my baby shower! It was great. Brandi, Sam and Veronika put on such a great party for us. Ross didn't get to stay the whole time, because he had to work, but so many people came and shared the afternoon with us. We got TONS of presents....way more than I would have ever expected. We really have some VERY generous friends and family and I really have my work cut out for me writing thank you notes.

I am also so super happy that several of my friends made long journeys to come down. Chris flew down from Atlanta, Nichole from St. Pete and Rikki from Lake City!!! I was really feeling the love this weekend.

Ross and I haven't bought a camera yet, so I am waiting for my friends to send me their copies of the pictures. The ones here are from Rikki. I will post more as soon as people pass them to me.

Hope everyone has a nice and safe independence day celebration. I am going to skip it this year because I really don't want to fight the crowds at the beach and the traffic and the drunks. Zelda and I will probably kick back with a pizza (Ross has to work).

oh, and more exciting stuff. I made a post on Craig's list to try and find a rocking chair and someone is willing to sell me theirs for only $25.00! I have been looking high and low for a rocking chair for months now. All the stores have now-a-days are gliders. I also didn't want to spend a bunch so I have been scouring the yard sales and goodwills. I am thrilled that I finally found one.

Wednesday we find out weather or not we will be scheduling a C-section, so check back!

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