Sunday, October 08, 2006

blah blah blah

I've got the blahs lately. I am so bored and I am starting to get cabin fever again. I felt this way from time to time during my pregnancy too. I guess I am just too social of a person to 100% enjoy working from home. I am longing for conversations with real adults....face to face! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy talking to Ross and Ned and Veronika, but those are the ONLY people I ever see! I need to join a club or something. Anyone have anything going on that is baby friendly that Lily and I can attend? ....oh yeah, it has to be free, because we're broke.
This picture is of the new way that Lily likes to be held. I think she is a little bored being home all the time too and needs a new perspective of the world.
Also in this picture, you can see that I am tired of wearing pajamas and workout clothes all the time so I have been getting dressed up just to wander around the house. Plus, I still can't fit in any of my pants yet, so dresses will have to do.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I know how you feel...I just go out to like the mall or a shopping plaza sometimes and walk around and browse...just to get out. But yes we are broke too so I don't actually shop. Thats why I go to the baby gym too, to try to meet other people with babies and to talk to people. And get Deo out of the house because he hates the house too. Thay get bored in the house! They are like "ok ive seen this place before... lets go somewhere new!" lets find somewhere to go thats free or inexpensive with them...have you looked for any baby and me classes? I know they have cheap ones at temples, churches and schools. I'll look somemore and let you know if I find one. The baby gym is great but it is like $230 to start and then $150 every 10 months after that.