Monday, October 23, 2006

Scoot machine

Lily is far

from being able to crawl yet, but that doesn't stop her from trying to get around. The top photo was taken about 3 minutes after I layed her down under this toy. She started out with her feet at the bottom (bottom left of pic) and her head was at about the same place it is in this picture. Somehow or another she managed to lift her butt up over the side of the toy and scoot around like that. She was trying to get to her nightlight on the wall! I immediately started baby-proofing her room.

The other pictures are of her sitting all on her own. She is so big now. And as you can see in the close one, she has developed a major Drool problem. Her chin is always wet and her clothes all around her neck and your shoulders too.

We are on the road again!! This weekend Lily and I are going to my old stomping grounds! We are going to Pensacola for my high school's homecoming. I haven't been there in ages. The last time I was there was '02 for my mom's funeral and that was only for one night. Before that, I don't know '00 maybe? The last time I lived there was for the summer of '97, for only 3 months, and before that was '94!! I probably won't know my way around anymore. I am very excited. I am not looking forward to the 10 hours of drive time though....yuck!


Jazz said...

Are you stopping in Tally on the way??

Shelley said...

yep. just for lunch. my mouth is watering for a TBCC at Bagel Bagel. And we are going to have a Pan Con Pollo at Gordo's on the way back!

Jazz said...

Ohhh fun. I wish we were there so we could meet up! Good luck on the drive :)