Monday, October 02, 2006

What Lily can do now

Lily still has not mastered holding up her head yet, but she is still trying everyday. She is so funny because she gets so angry that she can't do it and fusses the whole time her head is up.
She has discovered her hands, and her feet and loves to stare at them for hours. This is how I am able to get my internet work done. The problem being that she can't sit in the boppy anymore because if she catches sight of her feet she leans forward to get closer to them and can't stop herself from falling forward.
She also has discovered that when she kicks her feet and moves her arms up and down in the bouncy seat, it moves. And that the same motions in the bath cause splashes. I have got to get one of these two situations on video because they are so funny. Especially the bath. We both laugh and laugh. Bathtime was always pleasant, but now it is my favorite time of the day. I bathe her in the laundry room (because it is warm) and she will soak down the entire place.
She is starting to have more and more control over her hands and reaches for things. She reaches for the toys on the bouncy seat and yells at them at the same time. I don't really know if she is trying to talk to them or if she doesn't like them. She can reach them and by hitting them makes them swing and make noise.
She can suck on her knuckles and actually prefers her hand over her dummy sometimes.
She can also hold things. She has been holding my hair for awhile, but now she holds rattling toys and her blankets. I make her hold things for me all the time. Right now she really doesn't know the difference between her spit up rag and her toys so what does it matter right?


Jazz said...

Ohhh she is getting so advanced! I can't wait to Ana to get that far. You look good - do you have time for make-up? I am impressed!! I went back to work this week - it sucks :(

Kelli said...

that pic of her laughing is so adorable! I love the chubby cheeks...Deo had them too.