Monday, December 18, 2006

fatty & squirmy

Lily is getting so fat. I feel like we are feeding her too much. Is that possible? We have been letting her deligate when she eats. Because we don't have strengent schedules, we haven't really tried to get her on one either. I am thinking that might be something to work toward. She eats literally every 2 hours. I know that is fine for a newborn, but she is 5 months old now. And she eats alot too. I am not so much worried about her being a fatty, but I am wondering if this is healthy? I definately don't want to deprive my child, but I don't want to make her sick either. I did discover that giving her cereal at the nighttime feeding was what was making her wake up screaming. For the past week or so she has been waking up about two or three hours after going to bed. I thought she was teething, but the past two nights I skipped the night-time cereal and she hasn't woken up. She is funny when she sleeps though. I don't know how she can move so much while she is sleeping. I couldn't think of how to describe her movements, so I drew a chart.


Jazz said...

That diagram is awesome!! Ana used to squirm like that but not quite that much! She sleeps with her head wedged into position to stop her flat head these days so she can't go anywhere :(

Maybe ask your Dr about Lily's eating. That does seem like a lot, but if she is hungry I'd feed her. Ana gets about 5oz every 4 hours (so 30oz a day) and no solids yet.

Shelley said...

Lily eats 6-8 oz 5 times a day!! AND baby cereal AND fruit!!