Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I thought that Lily would have brown eyes, so I made her doll with brown eyes. But, she is 5 months old now and her eyes haven't turned yet. Brown is the dominant gene and since Ross has brown eyes I thought for sure that Lily would have brown too. If they haven't changed by now, does that mean they will stay blue/gray?


becky said...

I also thought that Rylee would have brown eyes because I have them...I was wrong...Rylee has the bluest eyes I've ever seen!! Someone told me that if they haven't changed by 6 months, then that is the color they will be.

Jazz said...

I have heard it takes up to 9 months before the eyes reach a final color, but I may be wrong. It looks like Ana's eyes are already turning brown (again, like her dad. I seriously didn't pass anything on).

If Ross has brown eyes but one of his parents has blue then Lily will have a 50-50 chance of either color b/c even though brown gene dominates you must have 2 blue genes to have blue eyes....although for some reason I always thought your eyes were green!

Shelley said...

They are green, kinda. Sometimes they look blue though. My mom had green, my dad has blue, both Ross's parents have brown, but he has two grandparents with blue, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. Right now Lily's eyes are like a grey, it is really cool.