Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm not the only one in a magazine!

The other day David, Lily and I are grocery shopping and of course in full Carney style, we are playing around and wasting time while we are at it. So, we are in the magazine aisle checking to see if they carry the magazine that I'm in yet (and YES, It is STILL current. It only comes out a couple of times a year so I'm current through the end of the year) and of course, they don't. Oh well, no one cares about ebay stuff except other ebay junkies anyway.

so, I glance over and see a fishing magazine with a chick on the front

GAFF magazine Cover

Last year Christy told me that she was doing this fishing tournament thing and that she was 'going to be famous'. If you know Christy, I'm sure you never doubted that she would be known, but who would have ever imaged it would be for FISHING? I know absolutely nothing about fishing, but apparently she and a girl friend of hers really dedicated themselves and joined some sort of tournament circuit. Christy told me that they were getting alot of publicity because they were an all girl team. So, being that I saw a chick on a fishing magazine and the cover reads "The girls of GAFF" (I have no clue what GAFF is, but the big fish clued me in that it was a magazine about fishing) I thought of Christy and picked it up.

I flipped in a couple of pages and sure-as-shit....there is Christy! The one my dad used to call "rocket scientist", right there in full color. Of course, after jumping around in the aisle a little and attempting to call her, I bought the magazine.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Oh, and Christy, if you are reading this....I don't have your current me.

Once I got home and read the article I realized that this was the 5th time she and her partner have been in this magazine! Wow.

I was so proud of myself for getting published, but now I am REALLY proud of Christy. I know she feels the same as I do where even though it doesn't pay well, and it is alot of work, it sure is wonderful to do what you love.

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