Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Little Tykes red car

Week before last my cousins came down for a visit to celebrate a Birthday and they brought Lily a new car. Well, an old car but new to us. It is so funny how this car has the least amount of bells and whistles but Lily loves it best. She can't "drive" it on her own just yet but she will climb in and out of it over and over. Every now and then she can get it to go backward a few feet but I don't think it is on purpose. It is pretty funny how she will get out and push it across the room then get back in.
And another funny thing is how she climbs in backward. She gets in like her granddaddy gets in his Miata....but first.
Here is a video of David pushing Lily around and her backing into the car

1 comment:

Shelley said...

yes, that is a big bruise on her head. David accidently ran her over when he was filling up the big water jug.