I couldn't resist. I had been hinting that I wanted this forever and the other day at Wal-mart I saw it and this model was $50 cheaper than the others I'd seen and it just so happened that I had just finished the most profitable week in my website's history, so....I splurged.
Of course I was immediately punished for my lack of self control.
We got it home and put it together and realized that we were missing the most important piece.... the one that holds it to the bike!
So, we took it all back apart and the next day went out early to take it back.
They didn't have another one so we had to go to another Wal-mart to get it there. Back in the hot no-AC car and back onto the highway and risk our lives yet again because my car shakes like it is going to fall apart the minute I go the slightest bit over 60.
Next Wal-mart. Very friendly guy in the toy department tells me that they are out, but checks the computer and it turns out the Wal-mart that we just left has 11 of them in stock!
Back in the car.
I was not about to go back to the first Wal-mart and deal with that again, so we went to wal-mart #3. So far we had been to Miami, then the Ghetto, and now we are in the Burbs. Well, horray for the Burbs because they have it!
I RE-purchase it and risk our lives just once more in order to get home. By this time it was WAY past Lily's lunch and nap time but she was great. We bought her a giant ball (I have no self controll....I really shouldn't go out in public!) and because of the windows being open it was flying all around the back seat and kept her entertained.
So, get home. Hot, sweaty, hungry and tired. Get Lily fed and down for a nap and start putting this thing together.
Guess what.... NO COUPLER!!! Yes, the EXACT SAME PART that was missing off the first one!
So, I got on the phone with the company and they sent me the part free of charge. I had to wait a week to get it, but it was free none the less.
Not irritant-free... just didn't cost me any money.
So, after all that. Monday we finally go the coupler and we've been riding all over the place for the past couple of days. The weather finally cooled off and it is so perfect right now to be riding bikes.
Lily hates the helmet and it is a little big. Kinda odd that they don't make them any smaller than for a 3 year old. And to think, Lily has got a huge head, can you imagine how big it would be for a normal size kid her age?
There is a space behind the seat that I can fit packages in, so today we rode to the post office and stopped by the park on the way home.
Oh, and Zelda fits in it too! I put both the babies in and off we go.