Thursday, November 01, 2007


I always used to think that going to the mall to trick or treat was dumb, but that is exactly what we did yesterday. South Florida is lame when it comes to Halloween. This is one of those holidays where a small town would be better. We didn't have any trick or treaters last year, so I figured that we wouldn't again this year either and didn't even bother. Lily wore her costume the whole day and then we took her to the mall after dinner. She was so adorable. There was a little girl there that she made friends with. This little angel walked up to Lily and they just stared and smiled at each other for about 5 minutes. It was so funny. The girl is 18 months old but slightly smaller than Lily. She had an FSU stroller cool!

Lily ran around and looked at all the kids. I enjoyed seeing all the other kids in costumes. I love seeing kids dressed up for Halloween but am disapointed that no one makes their own costumes any more. It has just become so comerial. I know, I'm to blame considering that I sell ready-to-wear costumes, but it just takes all the creativity out of the holiday. We remenisced about some of the great costumes that we had created in the past. David reminded me of a good one he had when Daddy made him a proton pack for his ghostbusters costume.

I was a police officer, Lily was a ladybug, Ross was an old man and David was an inmate. My costume was from my store (I creativity). Ross just pulled together some things from his closet and a shirt from my costume collection. David just threw on a re-run of Ross's inmate costume with a joe dirt wig. I made Lily's out of felt.


becky said...

I love Halloween too...we've never had Trick or Treaters here and it's been 4 years. I remember when I was a kid back home in Indiana, everyone got out for 2 nights!! We used to carry around paper grocery sacks and they would almost be full to the top!! We never bought costumes either....usually we wore my Dad's way to big work bibs and dirtied up our faces and got sticks becoming hobo's.

You guys look like you had fun!! Lily is adorable as a ladybug and to be honest, Ross looks creepy!!! LOL

Jazz said...

OMG - Ross looks hilarious!!