Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The cutest thing and then the grossest thing

This morning I've got my laptop sitting on the dining room table so I can get a little work done as Lily plays and she came over to the table and pushed her high chair back away from the table (the tray broke and we've just been sliding it up to the table instead of getting another one....we are so ghetto!) and started saying "eat, eat, eat" then pointed to her mouth. She is so smart! So as I put her in the chair she was saying "ban, ban, ban" and pointing to the bananas. So, clearly she is a girl who knows what she wants!
So, as I was opening a banana she says "poop, poop, poop". So, I stand her back up to see if she really has pooped. Yep, she's pooped all right and although it hasn't happened in a long long time, it was one of those that went all the way up her back. So, in the process of picking her up I ended up with it on my hands! YUCK!
It is such a gross way to start the day but so cute at the same times because Lily is getting so good at talking. When I grabbed a diaper and she said "dipe, dipe, dipe"

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