Friday, February 01, 2008

getting caught up ....again

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've decided to add on yet another venture. This time I really put thought and planning into it before jumping in. And, I made a pledge to myself to cut back on some of the other things in order to really get focused on the important work. (this is all about my web-work stuff...not the family stuff....not cutting out any of that!)
I'll tell you about my new project in a later time now, just getting caught up on some pics before Lily gets up.

We made Brandi babysit so we could go out and celebrate a friend's birthday. I had realized that in going through all of our pictures the other day in order to get photos for the lawyer (green card renewal) that Ross and I hardly ever get our picture taken together. My drunk ass must have told everyone that because all of our friends kept taking our pictures. Two of them actually printed them up for us and one gave us one in a frame even! We've got great friends.

I am highly allergic to poison ivy. Lily came home from Tennessee back at Christmas with a small spot of it on her arm. Just a couple of applications of poison ivy cream and it was gone. Then, somehow, three weeks later I'm covered in it! all over my arms too.

On the way to Aunt Brandi's to go to the beach ... so cool.

While we were at the beach that day there were some girl scouts walking down the broadwalk with a wagon full of GS cookies. I've never seen Brandi run so fast. It was kinda funny to see a girl running up the beach in a thong yelling for cookies! I thought she might tackle them. We gave Lily ONE and she loved them. Thankfully Ross showed up just in time to distract her.

He actually took her in the Water! I never swim in January, must be that African blood.

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