Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Surgery is over... everything went well

Ross just got out of surgery and everything went ok.
I didn't get a chance to speak to the surgeon so no one has told me the details like whether or not they pulled the two partial teeth or whether or not they had to cut into his jaw from the outside. I'm sitting right here next to him, but they have an icepack strapped to the side of his face so I can't tell. He is in that drowsy state of half consciousness and I'm a nervous wreck.
They told me that if he has to vomit that we have to cut the wires so he can open his mouth or he will drown. Everyone I know vomits after anesthesia, including me! I am so worried. I'm having to write in the blog right now to keep myself busy so I don't just sit here watching every breath Ross makes and giving myself an ulcer.
I've actually been a nervous wreck for hours now. There is a Carlsberg promotion down in downtown Miami and Ross had all the signs and glasswear for it. He didn't have to be there, but the stuff that was in his truck did. So, we came up with the idea for me to drive down to Miami during the surgery to drop it off.
Well, this hospital is in North Broward and the bar that I needed to get to is in the middle of downtown Miami so I knew it would take about an hour each way. The surgery was supposed to be two hours long so we figured it would help me not be so nervous.
As I am getting onto the turnpike there comes on a news report about power outages all over Miami. The reports just keep getting worse and worse. The southbound traffic was mild but the northbound traffic just kept getting heavier and heavier. So, I get to Miami and the drawbridge that is on the street I need to go down is out, assuably because of the power outages. I really don't know my way around Miami and Ross is the one I would usually call for directions. Finally, I finagle my way around the traffic and find the bar, drop off the stuff then start heading back. Worst traffic I've dealt with in years. It took me two hours to get back and about mid-way back the gas light comes on. I'm 6 lanes over from the exit in dead standstill traffic!
Plus, the neighborhood that I'm in is one of those that they tell tourist never to get off the highway in. The actually tell people that they are safer running out of gas on 95 than to try and get off! So, I'm mildly panicking at this point.
Then, BING the check engine light is on. Then I look and the car is on HOT ok, major panic now. I worked my way over to the right lane and see that the next exit has a gas station right of the exit. So, I risked it. I pulled in and got gas just as if I owned the place. I didn't open the hood or even show any indication that something was wrong with the car. I got back in, got back on the highway and guess what.... I guess being calm does actually pay off sometimes because the temp gauge starting going back down.
It went back down to normal temp and I just kept truckin'. So, I'm back at the hospital and I race up to Ross's room figuring that because I am an hour late than he would have been out of recovery.
He wasn't.
Panic again. The nurse (great nurse...from Germany... name's Ana) told me where to go to get to the surgery waiting room. I get there and there is no desk, no nurse station, no no one anywhere for me to ask to find out if Ross is ok. I'm running up and down the halls like a mad woman and finally a nurse appears out of a room.
She told me Ross was fine and that everything went well.
He is going to kill me, but I've taken pictures of him to post here :)

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