Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rugby is a dangerous sport....

I'm writing this while waiting for my friend to pick me up to drive me across town to pick up Ross's car. Why? you might ask.
Because Ross broke his jaw today in a tournament. Two breaks and lost two teeth. He said he took a knee to the face. He has to spend at least two nights in the hospital. He is there now and has to have surgery tomorrow. So please keep him in your prayers tomorrow.
His face is pretty swolen and he is in a lot of pain but was handling things like a trooper. They've given him morphine.
Tomorrow they are going to have to re-align his jaw and wire it shut. They said he will have to drink through a straw but I'm not sure for how long. I guess it is a convienient thing that he lost a front tooth.
I'll update more when I can.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Oh no! Poor Ross, and poor you! Hope his operation goes ok. And yes, rugby is a very dangerous sport - I've been in the hospital a few times myself! Damn crazy foreigners!!