Thursday, February 21, 2008

Little Helper

Lily loves to help and participate in things. She is so cute. If I tell her that I am going to take a shower she runs into the room saying "sha, sha, sha" and then will go pull the towel off the rack and hand it to me saying "taw, taw, taw". I'd written before about her being the toilet paper concierge, well, she still does that too so I'm beginning to wonder if I'm grooming her for a career as a bathroom attendant. She will literally stand outside of the shower waiting for me to get out so she can hand me a towel.
She loves to do things for us. She will throw things in the garbage for us and put our shoes in the closet, help me load and unload the dryer and dishwasher. The other day I was watching at the window as Ross was walking across the backyard with an arm-load of sticks and there was little helper Lily two steps behind with a couple of sticks in her arms too.
So precious.
This one is where I found her the morning after we got the bowflex. The night before she had been helping Ross put it together. Check out the little screw driver!

This one was just funny. Those are Mr. Potato Head's glasses.

The other night I got a cute video of Ross and Lily playing with a balloon and Lily was laughing so hard she had to take breather breaks.
She was squealing and giggling and laughing so loud. If you don't have volume on your computer this video is worthless, but if you can hear it, it will make you smile.

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