Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween pictures

We carved our pumpkin the day before Halloween so that it didn't end up yucky and gooey like last year. Ross did the main carving part outside then Lily and I moved it inside for the detail work. I have a pic of the finished product on my phone so it will be a day or two before I get it to the computer.
We went to a party hosted by the city in a park downtown and we had so much fun. Lily ran around in the grass and actually interacted with some other kids. They had a costume contest and Lily made the top 5 but then lost to a pink crayon. It was one of those contests that is judged by who yells the loudest and I think the pink crayon had a very big family.
After that Ross & Lily went home and I went to O'Malley's where I was one of the finalists in the contest there. Didn't win though, never do.

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