Tuesday, December 05, 2006

no time

I finally got time today to put some stuff up on this blog. I have so much to write about and post, but I can't seem to get caught up! I've been pouring all of my free time (what little there is) into doing whatever I can to capture a piece of this holiday shopping mania. I'm not doing as well as I had hoped, but then there is still one more week, so we'll see.

Lily has been only sleeping for about 4 hours at a time for the past week or so. It is really hard on me physically. I NEED sleep. Somehow it doesn't bother her not to sleep though. She will go to bed at 7PM, wake up at 9PM, go back to sleep at 11PM, wake up at 2AM, go back to sleep at 5AM, and then get up for the day at 9AM!!! Then go the entire day with only a one hour nap. I don't know how she does it. This is about the only time I am glad that Ross and I work such opposite schedules because he is home during the day for me to beg him to let me take a nap.

My birthday was last week and I had a nice night. Brandi, Veronika and Missy came over and we played dress up. I had several items that I needed good pictures for the website, so I talked them into modeling for me. We got some great shots and had a really fun night. I made Brandi spend the night and let me sleep in as my birthday gift. I didn't get to sleep in as long as I wanted to because we had to take Lily to the doctor for her 4 month shots at 11AM. That picture is of Lily in bed with Brandi. They look like they both passed out like that. We don't let Lily sleep in the bed with us, but I guess Aunt Brandi likes to spoil her.

I have so much more to write about, but I cannot keep my eyes open any longer


Jazz said...

Oh God - I would be at my wits end with that sleep schedule! Ana still gets up once a night but James and I take turns so it is not so bad. It must be hard on you trying to work with her there too. I know when I have grading and stuff to do I feel guilty if I'm not paying attention to her - plus it is almost impossible to concentrate. Sometimes daycare is a real blessing....although not when they give her RSV :(

Shelley said...

My blog....I'll write what I want!