Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lily's Birthday

For Lily's birthday we had a little BBQ. It wasn't anything big, just a couple of folks over for some burgers and to sample some Carlsburg. We had a great time and Lily sure made out with some really cool gifts. Ross and I bought her a little toy that has animals that you drop into slots and then there is a set of keys to get the animals back out. Well, it turns out that Ross and I got the worst gift for her because it is way too difficult for her to manipulate. The animals have to be EXACT and the color of the key has to match. I think I'll have to put it away for a few months.

She got several pairs of pajamas (that she really needed)and they are a little big but that is good because she will get lots more wear out of them that way. She got a new bathing suit and several great little stylish outfits that I am having a good time with. I love to dress her up and can't wait for her hair to get long enough for hair bows and ribbons.

Toys- wow they really make great toys now-a-days. She got this giraffe thingy that you put balls in his mouth and they ride around on a slide and come out the bottom. When the ball passes through the mouth it sings and lights up. Lily LOVES it. Another great gift was an airplane to ride. This one has controlls that make the propeller spin and light up and it sings songs too. She loves to push it around or have us push her, but her legs aren't long enough yet to ride it herself. She got a 'little people' train set that sings. This is so funny to me because I remember the 'little people' I had when I was a kid and these are way more advanced. The old ones were just little cylinders with a ball head, these guys are bigger and more detailed. Actually look like people somewhat.

Lily had her own cake and was so funny. She was so dainty about eating it. We were all waiting for her to smash it all over her face but she politely picked up a pinch at a time and for about 10 minutes or so, barely had anything on her face. Then, I guess it must have been once the sugar-rush kicked in, she started picking up hand fulls at a time. It ended up all over her head. I ended up with it all in MY hair too because when I got her out of the seat she took a hand full of my hair and the other hand gripped my shirt...BEFORE I cleaned her hands. It was great though, I am so proud of my baby!

and you see from the picture who REALLY got the treat of Chocolate cake!

She was sweet during the whole party and although she cried a few times when Emily bullied her, she had a blast. Emily was a little better this time about being mean to Lily (she is 10 months older) but she still pushed Lily down a few times. :(

Ross and I (of course) stayed up too late tasting Carlsburgs and playing games so Saturday was a pretty useless day around here. Thank goodness Lily has a bunch of new toys to play with to keep her busy so Ross and I could relax.


Jazz said...

Awww, what an awesome party! Go Lily!

p.s. "She got this giraffe thingy that you put balls in his mouth" - are you sure this is a toy for kids? LOL

becky said...

Yeah Lily!! I love the pictures of the messy cake face...brings back memories of Rylee from her 1st b-day.