Sunday, July 01, 2007

Little headbanger

I love this age that Lily is right now. Or, I guess I should say the 'stage' that she is in right now. She imitates and responds, concentrates and plays. She is really coming into her own personality. It must be very difficult for babies this age because it is obvious that she has needs and wants that she is acutely aware of, yet has very little ways to express them. When she and Zelda are playing and Zelda is getting the best of her she doesn't quite know what to do. She knows that she wants Zelda to let go of the ball, but she isn't strong enough to just take it away and can't tell Zelda to drop it. And, can't tell me to make Zelda let go, so she squeals. Some of these little things are quite cute and endearing, others are just plain obnoxious. I have to be very careful not to react to some of the actions so that I don't encourage her to continue.
Her latest interest is music. She LOVES music. (David, if you read this you'll be interested to know that De Novo Dahl is one of her favs!) She has a little steering wheel that is supposed to be on her stroller that she carries around all day long. I took it off her stroller because I think she was annoying folks in the line at the Post Office. It has a horn and engine noises and another button that plays songs. She dances to almost anything with a rhythm and has lately started bobbing her head up and down. It is so cute because she really concentrates on it. I got it on video here.

Did you see those crazy shoes? She LOVES them and always brings them to me to put them on her. I'm pretty sure she got that from me.

Today I am so nervous because tomorrow morning I have a photo shoot. I really don't like having my picture taken mainly because I feel stupid standing there trying to look my best. And I am very very nervous because this is a really big deal for me. I interviewed for what I thought at the time was a no-big-deal article about ebay that has now turned into a VERY BIG DEAL. I am going to be in Entrepreneur Magazine's quarterly ebay edition. At first, I naively thought it was just a little pamphlet thingy but have discovered it is a real magazine with real subscribers who pay real money to read it. I was excited at first about the free press and even more excited (and nervous) when they asked me to send a picture. And now I am overly excited and overly nervous because they are sending a professional photographer down from St. Augustine to do a REAL photo shoot with me for the magazine! I have been completely over-thinking the whole thing. I am now worried about what the article might say, will it make me look stupid? will I take a good picture? will I actually hurt my store's business? I am just so nervous! and it doesn't help that the shoot is at 8AM! I have to be up early enough to make myself pretty and get Lily up and organized then drive her to Cooper city so Sam can watch her and be back here all by 8AM.

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