Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Remote

right now I don't need to spend any money buying toys for Lily. She has so many favorite things to play with and hardly any of them are actually "toys".
Her favorites are:

  1. DVDs - she loves to pull them from the shelf and throw them around the room

  2. Zelda

  3. the remote control

  4. the controller for the X-box

  5. a can with bells inside

  6. tupperware

  7. diapers (clean ones of course....I'm not THAT bad of a mom!)

  8. books - her books AND ours

  9. Zelda's ball

  10. Zelda's food

And today she figured out how the remote works! I am sitting here at the kitchen table flipping through my pictures to post and all of the sudden the TV turns on. I look over at Lily and she has the same look of suprise that I do. Then, it turns off again. Another look of suprise, then on, then off. So smart!

Lily has been standing all the time and it is so cute because she stands, looks over at us and starts clapping to congratulate herself. She'll be walking in no time.

I have included a video to show how well she and Zelda play together and another on of her cracking up and driving Zelda crazy. Zelda's favorite ball is in her toy basket and Zelds is going nuts trying to get it. Hopefully you can hear her laughing over the sound of the radio.

I think I wrote about her busted lip last week, so here is the picture.


Jazz said...

Wow - that is so funny. Ana is also obsessed with pulling down DVD's, Briscoe's food, the remote control, diapers, and the controller for our PS2. The only obsession that she has that you didn't cover are coasters. We don't even use coasters, but we have them lying around and Ana loves them! She also must have incredible eyesight because she will find the tiniest speck on the floor and put it in her mouth! The other day I caught her trying to eat a dead ladybug!

Shelley said...

yep, Lily has eaten a dead beatle before. Still never figured out where she got it. I'm sure that Lily would love coasters too if we had them within her reach. The only ones we have are glass and they are on the kiten table too high for her.