Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rocking Chair

We have this tiny little rocking chair that I'm not sure where it originally came from, but Brandi and I had it as kids. It is a tiny little wooden chair that I have had sitting in the corner of Lily's room with one of my old dolls in it. Well, today Lily crawled over and took the doll out. I thought to myself that we should try sitting her in it to see what happens. She has got pretty good balance and can climb in and out of her other chair (the little infant bouncy thingy) so I pulled the chair out and dusted it off. I sat her in it and she immediately started rocking. As if she already knew that she was supposed to do that! Well, she might have known because we have a big rocking chair that looks very similar. I took this video seconds after putting her in the
seat...see how smart she is?!?!

The other picture is of me and my girls this morning. Someone from Entreprenuer magazine called me yesterday asking could I send some photos of myself for them to include with the article that they are doing for ebay magazine. I was excited before, but now I am excited AND nervous! That magazine is distributed to a hundred thousand households and it will include a PICTURE!! I put on makeup and had Ross take some shots of me and this one with Lily turned out really cute.

The other video was taken a couple of days ago while we were playing outside. Lily likes to lean up against the screen and I'm really not sure what she is trying to do here, but it sure looked funny with that disco outfit I had her dressed in.


Kelli said...

that is a very good picture of all of you. You look nice and skinny! The gym looks like it is paying off. I love how Zelda is posing there too.

Jazz said...

I like your bangs! When did you get them done? I need a new hairstyle :(

Shelley said...

I cut them myself like 2 days ago. I'm not sure if I like them yet. I think I need them shorter and thicker. They look very funny in the wind.