Sunday, May 13, 2007

Yay...Mother's Day!!!

Yay, my first mother's day. This is the first holiday that I get that I have actually had to EARN. I am a big holiday person and truely believe in Birthdays being your own personal holiday. This is a cool one because you don't automatically get it, it is a reward!
I told Ross that all I wanted was a day off. So, he has been playing with Lily all day while I worked on my web-stuff. Is that still a day off? Lucky for me, I really enjoy working on my web-stuff. I am getting caught up although because the USPS changes their rates tomorrow and I have to re-list all 160 ebay auctions!
But the most exciting thing is that I finally got my loan application finished.
If you would like to check it out here is where to go

I would love for any of you to write an endorsement for me or even bid it you want to earn some money off me! you know I am good for it.


Kelli said...

That is so interesting...I 've never seen that site or knew they did such things. Awesome!

Shelley said...

Sure, and if you decide to get involved you should join my group!!