Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Big Girl Foods

Because Lily is almost one, I have been trying to incorporate more "regular" foods into her diet. I really should research this and find the "right" way to do this, but so far I've just been trying things out. I've discovered that she loves lima beans. I've also discovered that I do too! I had never been against lima beans per se, but just never fixed them for myself. I've discovered that lima beans rock if you eat them cold. And they are really good with cream cheese on a triscuit too. Don't be suprised if that is the new appetiser at my next party.
She also loves tortillas, bananas and green beans (not together though). She doesn't care for pasta, but will eat one and then throw one to Zelda.
Ross is convinced that Lily has a reaction to milk, but I don't think she does. A while back she threw up in the night two nights in the same week. It just happened to be a week that I had given her a few strips of string cheese. So, he is convinced that she can't have dairy. This week I've given her string cheese, cheddar cheese and yogurt (only one each day....not all at once). And so far so good. No reaction.
As far as my work goes I am really bored. I should be updating my site, but that can only be done in the back room where Lily can't be, so I can't get that done during the day. I am expecting two shipments, but until then, I can't do much. I am not going to set up any auctions right now because they would end around the fourth of July holiday and not many people are shopping on ebay during that time. I really learned that lesson last year!

1 comment:

becky said...

I didn't read anything before starting Rylee on table foods..I did just as you are and tried things little by little. Oh, and be very happy that Lily is eating lima beans and green beans etc... I have such a hard time getting Rylee to eat "good" foods. But also know, that once you think you have something they like, as sure as rain they won't like it a few times later....just what I've learned.