Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Adventures with Granny

Lily loves to help Granny cook. We love that Granny cooks for us!

We tagged along with Ross when he went down to Key West to visit his southern-most accounts. Oh-boy, was it hot! We had Lily and Zelda too so very few places would let us in, and some of those that would, it was still too difficult to manuver around and keep magnet hands from touching everything. So, basically we spent the whole day outside.

Lily liked walking more than Zelda did so Marje would have fit in better on South Beach with all their pampered pooches.

Then we figured out that the easiest way to keep them both contained is to keep them together in the stroller.

Had a grilled cheese for lunch. This table was huge but Lily insisted on sitting right up against Marje. Zelda had a treat there too.

Then, when it was time to change a poopy diaper we realized how impractical spending the day in Key West with a baby and a dog really is. The teeny tiny little restroom at the restaurant had no where to change her and any other restrooms on the island were off limits to non-customers. So, we went behind a museum and found a grassy spot, laid out a towel and changed a poopy right there on the ground. Gross, I know, but what else could I do?

Then we discovered the most obscure thing, a big sculpture. At first I didn't get it, probably because we were at the wrong angle, but it is a 3-D version of Matisse's "the Dance".

It was too hot for anything other than icecream

Look at this poor baby! pink cheeks and hair matted down with sweat.

Marje taught Lily how to trace her hand. She loved sitting with Granny to do art, now she won't stand and work on her drawings anymore, she has to have the chair scooted up and sit in someone's lap.

Yesterday we tried out the new sprinkler park at the beach. It is perfect and is now officially my new favorite beach spot. The new garage is cheaper than parking on the street and my non-a/c car is much happier in the shade. And, running in the sprinklers is a much simpler way to rinse off after the ocean.

Marje leaves tomorrow in the early AM, I don't know what we are going to do without her.

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