Saturday, August 23, 2008

Betty's Team update

Our team has blown me away with support. I'm thrilled that with very little effort we are almost half-way to our team goal of $1000.00! We are at $436.00 right now.
I honestly thought I was being a little optimistic when I set that goal. I thought it would be harder to reach. Lucky for me, I've got friends and family who are awesome.
So far we only have three team members (including myself) but at least two more friends have told me that they are going to participate but just haven't signed up yet. And Ross hasn't signed up yet either, but he will. Also, several of the girls in my SAHM group have put together some walking playdates to get warmed up. In that group so far, only one gal has signed up but I'm pretty sure we will have several more.
A cool feature if you want to participate but can't make it to the race is the option to "Sleep in for the Cure". You can still be a part of Betty's Team and you get a Race for the Cure T-shirt and a Betty's Team pin, but you don't have to show up and actually run/walk.
Here is how:
Go to our team website, click to join the team and chose the option to sleep in. Input your credit card info and pay the $27.00 registration fee, and voila, you are part of the team. I'll take care of sending you the shirt and Betty's Team button.
Just in case you want to check up on our progress, the little Race for the Cure ad over in the right upper corner of this blog is clickable to our team page.
Thanks all.

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