Thursday, September 14, 2006

2 months old

Yesterday was Lily's 2 month birthday!
When I tell people that they are supprised at how quickly the time has passed. Me, it feels like she has been in our lives for so much longer. I look at her and I see this mature little girl who is trying so hard to learn her environment. She has so much personality and I don't feel like she is only 2 months old.
She is still working on holding her head up, but she works at it all the time. I love to have her on my shoulder and watch her lift up her head. It is so funny because she makes a struggle face and her head bobbles around for about 20 seconds before she puts it back down. That is a new thing. Before, she would head butt you, now she has enough control to put her head back down on her own! She can focus on things and loves to watch things. She likes to watch the monsters over her bed, the birds on her swing, Zelda, and the celing fans. She can recognize Ross and I and will smile on command. And her greatest accomplishment in 2 months is sleeping through the night!
Yep, I said it. Ross thinks I jinx her when I brag, but I have to! I can't remember the last time she woke up in the night. I still complain that I wish she would sleep more, but that is only because I stayed up too late and need a nap, (she has not accomplished the napping yet). She goes to bed around 10 or 11. I know some of ya'll may think that is late, but please keep in mind that Ross works nights until 6 AM, and the earliest I ever have to be up is 9, so 10 or 11 is perfect for our family. And then she wakes up around 8 or 8:30AM . This is tough for me, or at least it was at first, but then she eats while I check my email, then falls right back asleep and will sleep until around 11!!! yesterday, she slept extra late just because it was her birthday. She slept until 1:15PM!!! She would have kept sleeping too, but I had to wake her up and change her because her poopy nappy was stinking up the whole house.
To celebrate her birthday we put her in her swimsuit and headed to the beach. We went late in the afternoon and sat in the shade. We didn't take her in the water, but let her feel the wind in her hair (well....what hair she has anyway). She layed out and enjoyed the salty air. I did too. I also discovered that my new suit is see-through :( (I was so excited about it too...I could actually get my boobs in it! I guess I am going to have to buy a grandma suit....but that is another story altogether)
We then came home, fed her then went to Longhorn to feed ourselves in celebration. She was so good! No crying at all. Then we went on a family walk around the neighborhood. I was pooped!

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