Sunday, September 10, 2006


Lily plays this little game with us sometimes. Usually she likes to look at us and will gaze at us like she is trying to memorize our every detail, and other times she plays the look-away game. When she is ready to play this game she will do whatever she can NOT to make eyecontact with you. It is really funny when you get your face up close to her and she tries so hard not to look. Her eyes will just about roll back into her head trying to avoid looking at you. by moving around you can make her eyes roll all over. I kept trying and trying to get it on video but when you take out the camera she plays a different game. That game is called tongue out. I guess it is because when I first discovered that she would do that I tried over and over to get it on tape, now every time I get out the camera she won't do anything but stare at it and stick out her tongue. I finally got her on video doing her crazy exercises by sneaking up on her so she didn't notice the camera. She loves these little monsters that go around (Thanks Kathy!!)and she will just kick and kick watching them (unless you have the camera....then it is just tongue out). I have a friend that said her baby goes to sleep watching the mobile....not Lily....she works out!

Also...we have discovered that she really likes football. Well, Ross swears that she likes Rugby better, but he can't prove it. Today I was watching the North Carolina Virginia Tech game and Lily was so content sitting in the boppy just chillin' listening to the game. Then, when I tried to go to the post office she freaked. Usually she likes riding in the car, but not today. She screamed the entire time. We get back to the house (and back to the football game)and she is calm again. Then she started to fuss every time there was a comercial! It was so strange. She was calm as long as she could hear the game. Isn't that great? Now I have an excuse to just sit and watch football all keeps Lily happy!!

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