Sunday, September 03, 2006


According to my favorite author Kurt Vonnegut, the reason that most marriages in our culture don't last is because we don't have enough extended family around. If I had read this last year, I doubt that I would agree. However, when you have a new baby, having your family close by is the greatest thing ever! Ross and I were really blessed that Marje could be here for the first month, then we were left on our own for a few weeks. We get along just fine, but it was so much nicer to have an extra set of hands around. The past couple of days my brother and his girlfriend have been here and nice to have an extra set of hands or two. David was so funny because he was here almost two full days until he finally held Lily. He kept blaming it on Sherah saying that she was "hogging" her or that she pushed in front of him. But we all think he was scared. He finally held her and then fed her and today became much more comfortable with her. Tonight they watched football together. Sherah is great with Lily too, but neither she nor David are volunteering to get up with her at the crack of dawn like Marje did!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

that makes a lot of sense. I think i would be a whole lot more pleasant to ilich sometimes if I had more time to myself. the extra help at the crack of dawn is the help i appreciate most!