Thursday, May 10, 2007

Talented little girl

lately Lily has learned some amazing things. She can totally stand on her own! and she can crawl down from things too. She doesn't crawl down correctly, but she is very cautious in her acrobatic stunts. I have been trying hard to get some of this on video and I have files and files of useless clips because the minute she sees the camera she darts straight for it and I end up with a video of the top of her head while she is trying to climb up my leg to get the camera. She says Da Da constantly and it is usually always accompanied by a finger point. At first we thought that she was so bright that she knew who Da Da was, but now after days of it and everything she points at being Da da and not just Ross, I think it just might be a phase. She does however say Zelda! We are sure of it. It sounds more like El-da, but there is a distinct difference between that and the da da sound. And she will actually point to Zelda when she says it too. I, of course, can't get her to do it on video.
Another thing she does is shakes her head. She started doing it when I wash her hair and I guess because she got such a good reaction to it, now does it all the time. Especially when I catch her doing something she isn't supposed to be doing.
This video shows her acrobatic decent, finger pointing AND the head shake.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Ha ha - I also have tons of pics of the top of Ana's head!!