Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day two in Huntsville, day 5 of our adventure

My dad & brother drove into town late on Thursday night after I had already gone to sleep. I had been telling Lily that Joe (my dad's dog) was comming so in the morning she started wandering around saying "where's joe?"
As we were getting dressed, I put Lily's shoes on and she said "too tight" so I told her to go tell Grandad. She walked up to my dad, stuck out her shoe and said "too tight". Worked like a charm, she got two new pair of shoes within hours.
Friday night Aunt Linda invited the out of towners over for burgers (check out her sweet new shoes)

Lily ate chocolates:


AND Ice Cream




Below is the newest memeber of the Strong family, my cousin Jeff's baby Rowe. However she won't be the newest for long, another cousin is expecting any day now.


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