Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lily and I are on an adventure

Lily and I left Ross and Zelda at home and went on an adventure to see my family. We were having a family reunion in Huntsville and we drove up to Melbourne and caught a ride the rest of the way with my cousin Sandy and her kids (Allison & Alexander). Sandy has a DVD player in her van so Lily got to watch her favorite movie "Nemo" over and over. I have no idea where the glasses came from.

Watching Nemo

We divided the drive into two days. This photo is of the Lily sized fridge at the hotel in Macon, GA.
Lily sized fridge at the hotel

We got into Huntsville on Wednesday and Sandy dropped Lily and I off at Aunt Linda's house. She wasn't home from work yet so we made ourselves at home. Lily walked in and said "Soooo Pretty" so I guess that means she liked it there. We were going to walk down to my Grandma's house but by the time we got out of the shower it was pouring down rain. Lily was pooped from the drive so we just ate and went to bed.

Thursday was Aunt Charlotte's birthday so she had an open house party. My cousin Melissa had taken her barbie collection over to my aunt Charlotte's house for Allison to play with while she was staying there. Lily thought this was great. The entire time we were there, (besides when we were running around in the sprinklers) Lily kept sneaking into Aunt Charlotte's bedroom to play with the barbies or into her closet to try on her shoes.

Barbies at Aunt Charlotte's house


As you can see from the above picture, Aunt Charlotte has interesting shoes, she and Lily get along very well. Lily got that University of Alabama dress for Christmas and although we are not Alabama fans, Aunt Charlotte is a die-hard, so we figured it was appropriate to wear it on her birthday. I'm sure it got Lily some bonus points in Aunt Charlotte's book.

The following video shows just how talented this little baby is.

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