Sunday, July 06, 2008

Wonder Woman!!

I love wonder woman and have quite a collection of Wonder Woman stuff. The other day when we were cleaning out the workroom we came across a couple of plush Wonder Womans. I don't collect the newer justice league stuff, but through the years many people have given me some of it, so when I came across the little Wonder Woman, I gave it to Lily. She knows exactly who it is too. Then, we opened another box and found the same doll but a larger version. She was thrilled that now she had a BIG Wonder Woman too.

We keep the sweets in a Wonder Woman cookie jar and I asked Lily who it was and she said "Mommy" and I said no and to try again and she said "Grandma". So funny how she knows Wonder Woman on TV and on dolls and comic books but thinks that the cookie jar is me.

We look at pictures and I talk to her about her Grandma. There are a few times that she has identified my mom in pictures and even though she never got a chance to meet her, she knows who her Grandma is. It makes me cry.
The other day I was taking pictures of some stuff for eBay and set up the camera and took a few pictures of myself wearing an outfit. I took pictures from the front then turned around and took pictures of the backside. Later that same day I took a picture of Lily standing on the pool table then she turned around and told me "back, back". Ross & I are really going to have to start watching everything we do and say now that this little sponge is soaking up everything.

Yesterday Lily was watching TV while I checked my email and when we were leaving the room she ran back in saying "pause TV, pause TV". She reached up onto the table and hit the pause button on the remote!

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