Monday, June 04, 2007

Another tooth

I noticed yesterday that Lily has another tooth. That makes 7. Four on top and three on the bottom. I keep trying to look in her mouth to see if she is getting any molars yet but she has this funny way of filling up her whole mouth with her tongue when I try to see. Or if I try and feel for them she bites me. Hard.
She can now walk the entire length of the living room. It is official, she can WALK, not just "take a few steps".
I am so excited....I'm going to New York! I am taking my first buying trip to LENY. The London Edge Streetwear, Alternative, Rock & Cult Fashion Tradeshow! Exciting huh? The business has officially made enough money to afford to pay for it too. I am taking Tonya with me so I guess now she has upgraded from 'model' to 'buyer'. I have never been to New York and I have always wanted to go there.
Ross is not very happy about being left in charge of Lily solo for almost four days. I'm sure he will be fine, but he is not looking forward to it. But, he understands how big of a step this is for my business and how important it is to me. I am excited, nervous, worried and happy all at the same time.

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