Tuesday, August 22, 2006


(picture is Marje and Ross way back on August 3)
Lily has had a mild case of diarrhea since last Tuesday. I wasn't really that worried about it because she wasn't showing any signs of dehydration, but because it had been so long, we took her to the doctor just in case. Of course, she is fine. Doc said we shouldn't worry as long as she is eating well, and everything else is normal. The worst part is the horrible diaper rash that she has developed because of it. Her poor little bum is so raw and she wails every time we have to clean her up. It hurts me to hear her scream like that too. One of the "mommy changes" that I have developed is that I cry every time she does. This evening we went down to the beach for our walk and she got cranky and screamed the entire car ride back. I must have looked like a moron to anyone who saw me driving along with tears pouring down my face. Oh yeah, back to my story, the doctor said that Lily is growing well and even a little ahead of the average (Her Granddad in Zim has been telling everyone that she is advanced....now he is proven right!) She weighs 9lbs 12oz. She weighed 8lb 2oz at her 2 week check up.
Oh yeah, I can't believe that I didn't write this first...Lily is learning how to smile! She doesn't do it all the time, but every now and then if she isn't tired or cranky, you can get her to smile at you by putting your face really close to hers. Before now her smiles have only been gas. She is working really hard at holding her head up on her own too. She now prefers to be held up on your shoulder so she can practice. The bad thing about this is that every now and then she loses control and head butts you in the mouth or spits up down your back. :)

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Christ - my baby is huge! Ana was 9.5lb at her one week check up!