Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sleep torture, sucking fingers, and hats

Don't get me wrong, Lily is WONDERFUL and most of the time she sleeps very well. However, Every now and then we get sleep tortured. Look closely at the picture of Ross and you will see Lily's little body beside him. Here is how the sleep torture goes. Lily goes to bed, I quickly clean up and try to get myself to bed asap. A half hour passes and Lily wakes up screaming. I get her out of bed, rock her for awhile she falls fast asleep again. Lily back in bed, I get back in bed. another half hour passes and we go through the entire procedure again. Then we get to the point where she doesn't even need to be rocked. She will go back to sleep if you just put your hand on her and move her a little. This is torture! Somehow it isn't exhausting for her, but as you can see by the look on Ross's face, it is very tiring! We have tried putting her in our bed but it is so squishy that she rolls over into us and I am afraid that I will suffocate her so there is no way to sleep like that either. So, we have to make a palate on the floor in order to sleep with her.

The finger thing. When I was a kid I didn't suck my thumb, I sucked two fingers. It HAD to be those two fingers. Not any other. My parents finally broke me of it when I was about 4 by taping my index finger to my middle finger and my ring finger to my pinkie like star trek. I have caught Lily doing this twice! Crazy huh?

The hat. I ADORE it! The little outfit was a gift and it even has matching undies! It is a little too big for her, but I couldn't resist. She wore the hat the whole day too. That is, until Ross got a hold of her and then it disapeared. He thinks it looks stupid. He dislikes it so much that he wouldn't take these pictures to work with the rest of them! What do you think of the hat?


Cat said...

I agree with Ross on the had...it's pretty lame. Sorry!

Kelli said...

Ever since the begining I have put Deo in bed with me, which I don't know how I am going to break him of it as he gets older. I tried to put him in his bassinet but he nursed so often that I was so tired I didn't even want walk across the room to get him again. And Ilich works nights so it was just Deo & I and it worked well. But its getting a bit crowded now when Ilich is home on the weekends. So I may have some new sleep torture now when I start putting him in his own bed.
Did your doggie adjust well to the baby?
I left a message on ross's phone today, I have some random things here and wanted to see if you would use them. I hate to just throw them away.

Jazz said...

I would have loved to see you running around with star trek hands when you were a kid - ha ha. I'm doing ok with the sleep torture...Ana wakes up every 3 hours on the dot but she sleeps solidly in between, it is still exhausting though! I'm going to die when I go back to work.

p.s. I'm also with Ross on the hat :)