Monday, August 28, 2006

Hurricane Ernesto

I have lived in hurricane prone areas all my life, and have been in several. Eva, Erin, Opal, Charlie, Katrina, Rita & Wilma. This time, with Ernesto threatening Florida, I feel completely different. Now it isn't just me, I have a newborn to consider! My dad and Ross both think we should evacuate. But if you see the future-track, it includes the entire Florida Peninsula! I have friends and family all up and down both Florida coasts, but are they really any safer than here? What if it misses here but hits wherever I evacuate to? Then we would be in a hurricane AND away from home. So, we have decided to stay. We aren't in a flood zone and we have hurricane shutters. We already stocked up on batteries, can goods, diapers, and dog food. Later today we will go get gas and water, then tomorrow stock up on ice. I just hate that Ross will have to be at work. They don't close the bar until the power goes out. So, like in Katrina, he may be still at work when it hits! Hopefully Brandi & Godzuki will come over.

1 comment:

becky said...

I was so nervous during Wilma, Rylee was just an itty bitty one back then, but she slept the majority of the storm. I can't wait to meet Lily in-person, she is breathtaking!! Great job you guys!