Saturday, August 05, 2006

Lily is 3 weeks old already

Time has been flying by! I have been so busy and I love it! I was so bored during my pregnancy and now I am too busy to read my emails. This week my dad came to town to meet his first granddaughter. He arrived on Monday and left on Thursday so it was a hectic week. Fun though. Wednesday night Marge (Ross's Mum) watched Lily while Ross, my Dad, Brandi and I all went out. My first drinks since Halloween went down a little too smoothly. We all got good and drunk. It was so much fun, but Ross and I realized that we are not going to be able to both get that drunk at the same time until Lily gets older. In the middle of the night we each had to take turns holding her while the other one vomited. It was quite a circus act.
With Marge's extra help around the house I have still been able to open my new webstore even! I haven't done as much with it as I would like to, but thank goodness that I have a laptop and wireless internet. I hold Lily with one hand and try to manage web-building with the other. It is a slow process but it is working. Exciting too. I haven't started advertising yet, but I have actually had quite a few sales. Each week my sales have doubled from the week before so if I can keep that up (or at least just keep a weekly increase), it may just pay off afterall.

1 comment:

Cat said...

OH MY GOD!!! HYSTERICAL!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! The though of you and Ross taking turns to puke old school styles literally had me in stitches...Mike thought I was going to pop a blood vessel! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and you've had help with Marge around to get your website up and running. I'm so glad that you've got this website so I can check up on you and see how everyone is doing. By the way...Ross is way too cute with Lily on his chest...makes me sigh and have a big smile of how cute your man and baby are! By the way...I spoke to Mike and start saving up for a trip to Hawaii late spring/early summer. We are going to rent some condos on the north shore so it will be good for Lily to come too, unless you want to leave her with your way could you even conceive of that one yet! Love to you and Ross and Lily...Cat