Monday, August 28, 2006

Professional photos

Yesterday I took Lily to have her picture taken. Wow it is expensive! I went to Sears with my coupon for "no session fees and a free 5x5" and ended up spending almost a hundred bucks! For some reason I thought it would be rather cheap....wrong. I even told the chick to give me the cheapest thing and turned down all the extras that I was offered. And then tonight, I talk to David and find out that Sharah (his girlfriend) is in the process of becoming a professional photographer AND she will be here in two days! Damn I wish I knew that yesterday! oh well. at least I have some FABULOUS pictures of my sweets.
Anyway, enough bitching about the money I have to tell you that Lily was so funny getting her picutre made! She really gave the photographer a tough time. She would stare at her and stare at her and then as soon as everything was ready she would look away. And we have more proof that she is advanced. Take a look at the picture where she is on her stomach. It took about 10 takes to get that one because she kept trying to crawl off the pillow. She is only 6 weeks old, can't hold her head up yet and is trying to CRAWL!!!! She'll be at Harvard soon!


Kelli said...

they are all wonderful, the basket is my favorite!

Jazz said...

Ohhh they are cute! I'm thinking of doing some for Xmas presents for the grandparents